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I enjoy myself; and maybe Juliet, but mostly myself.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Q: So, Paris, do you think you influenced Juliet's death in any form?
A: Are you implying that Juliet is dead because she didn't want to marry me? Good sir, I ensure you that Juliet was head over heels in love with me! Don't be so stupid.

Q: What were you doing prior to Juliet's death?
A: Well, it was a regular morning. I spent the first several hours of my day acknowledging my extravagant beauty. On my way to the Friar's cell, many attractive women smiled at me; and I discussed Juliet and I's wedding with the Friar.
Funny how she died on the day that we were to be wed. Oh poor irony...

Q: How are you feeling about Juliet's death?
A: Ugh! When I was told I was going to be interviewed, I was assuming you were going to talk about me; not Juliet.

Q: There was a rumor spread that you and Lady Capulet had a "thing." Is this true?
A: Must people believe everything they hear? Why would I do the dirty with my fiancee's mother?

Q: Now that Juliet is dead, do you think you may marry another woman?
A: I think I'll "play the field" a bit, you know what I'm sayin'? Marriage never appealed to me much anyways to be honest. I'll find myself a 10 out of 10.

Q: Thank you Paris for your time. It was a pleasure.
A: Of course it was a pleasure. It's always a pleasure speaking to me.

1 comment:

  1. For a long time I thought you were merely obsessed with yourself, now I see that your true feelings are far more sinister. You seem to not care about her death. Try looking past the bridge of your own nose for once.
