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I enjoy myself; and maybe Juliet, but mostly myself.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

So first off I would like to state a little inside information from Juliet. Apparently she would rather die than marry me? Really Juliet? Well, if my ego wasn’t so big that would have really hurt. I heard the yelling coming from the upstairs of your house. I have a feeling that you don’t really have a choice there, bud. Haha. You’re marrying me no matter what. One day I know you’ll learn to appreciate me and you’ll want to do anything to make me happy. Even your own “mother” the nurse, agrees with me now. Well ALL know that Romeo is a dish clout compared to me. I am the last chocolate chip cookie and he’s the raisin muffin (and we all know nobody likes raisins ;)). I’m being offered to you baby, you better snatch me up.

I hate to admit to my true emotions, but I am honestly deeply raged by Tybalt’s death. That darn Romeo has it coming, I tell you! First chasing after Juliet, now hurting her deeply by killing her beloved cousin. If he ever comes back from exile, I will have his head on a plate! A crappy, wooden, sharp, cheap plate! One made by poor people!

Besides, I have no time for anger. This Thursday I will be wed to Juliet and Romeo shall never be seen again!
I could click my heels in joy, but joy is an emotion shown by losers.


See you all at the wedding ;D


  1. Actually I did not say that you are the better choice, I just said that she should be happy no matter what! Get your story straight!

    xoxoxo nurse

  2. Not Me. Im not coming to that. Juliet doesnt even want you.

  3. Paris, once we blazed Romeo and Juliet's marrage your's will never take place.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. DAMN RIGHT! She loves a MONTAGUE over you! A freakin frog would be better to marry then you. The wedding isnt gunna happen. Just thought you should know. And if you wanna fight,
    Come at me bro!

  5. Paris, my son is better for Juliet then you, he has chivalry and is not self-absorbed! And you dont have enough skill to have Romeo's head on a plate, he will have yours in just a few seconds.

  6. Your inability to show any true emotion will one day be your downfall. For one must see past themselves in order to prosper. From what I’ve seen, Romeo will never stop trying to be with the maid Juliet.

  7. Chuck Norris likes raisins. Just Saying

  8. But yes. You are much bettter then any old Romeo. I cannot wait to see all of you at the wedding. Paris will make a fine husband for my daughter ;D

  9. Poor raisins, someone has to love them. You know raisins is grapes in french, and everyone loves grapes.
