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I enjoy myself; and maybe Juliet, but mostly myself.

Monday 4 April 2011

That's it.

Okay, maybe I'm kidding.
My life is finally progressing to the next chapter. Juliet's father is pairing me up with his daughter; she hot so I guess I'll marry her. I am a 10 out of 10, and she's maybe a 9.5, but I guess it's hard to find someone as equally as hot as me.
Well, last week they threw this party. It wasn't really nessecary because I already know I am good enough for the Capulet's daughter, but I suppose it was for their own re-assurance to make sure I fit in well with the family. Why wouldn't I? Look at me. I couldn't see why they would want to test my suitability for their daughter.
I'm perfect.

There was a rumor of Juiliet making kissy faces with another boy at the party. But I highly doubt it's true. Juliet wants me, I can tell.
Who doesn't want me?

Paris, signing out. ;D


  1. That other boy was me! Yeh we were making kissy faces at each other! What you gunna do about it?!? Stay away from my Julie-poo.
    Wanna fight. Come at me bro!

  2. If you ever need to fight for her I'm in!!! If anyone needs to be killed, be in pain or just taught a lesson, I'm your man. Romeo will suffer, he is a Montague and a moldwrap. He will not get Juliet.

  3. I want you big boy ;)I want you to take a long walk off a short pier. AND ROMEO! You've obviously gotten over Rosaline and in such a short time too! Those herbs must of helped huh?

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. Paris, you are quite the charmer. Juliet's been acting strange lately, we're doing our best to convince her that marrying you would be the best thing for the two of you.

    ...what?! Kissy-faces? ....ROMEO?! What is this madness?! Wretched Montague boy, keep your filthy hands off of my daughter!! You must still be drunk if you're thinking anything could spark between you two! Coming to the party uninvited was something we let slide... but that is crossing the line! My eyes better not lay sight on you being anywhere near her again! Perhaps I’ll take Tybalt’s offer on having you killed if I do.

  5. Too much tension, I think we need to party some more...

  6. And my Juliet is a 95 000, not a 9.5

  7. Awww thank you for noticing.
    But unfortunatly your comment means nothing to me for you are a Montague.


  8. GTFO b1tttchh33zzzz get away from my woman

  9. Benny, who is your woman?
    Lady Montague I'm guessing. ;)
    Definatley not my Juliet, bitch.


  10. I wonder why I’m not surprised to learn that this snob is for the Capulets. Perhaps it’s because filth is attracted to the filthier. My only wish is that you sweep her off her feet quickly before Romeo does. I’ve been hearing some rumors about his apparent relationship with Juliet, and hell will break loose if they’re true.

  11. Oh and you think you're clean?!?!

    When was the last time you had a bath buddy? The last time I saw you, you smelled like a dead animal wrapped in old bacon, stuffed with fish and rolled through a pile of...you get the idea.
    If you smell like that and you're the same blood as Romeo, I can imagine he has the same odour.

    If that is true, I have nothing to worry about. I spell like roses and look like a beach god.

    Just sayin'

    Parisistheshizz <3

  12. Paris, it doesn't matter what my parents say. I will never marry you. Theorhetically, if I were making kissing faces at some other boy, that would be though luck for you. It doesn't matter if there is or isn't some other boy, for you and I, we will never be husband and wife.
