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I enjoy myself; and maybe Juliet, but mostly myself.

Monday 11 April 2011

The days are drawing closer to the day I wed Juliet.
Okay, now that I got that boring stuff out of the way...
Today was an alright day. I bought this new foundation that really accents my face. My complexion is now even sexier and smoother than it was before. It seems to have a "glowing" side effect ;)

I'm gonna look so hot for my wedding day. I hope Juliet has gotten her dress. I've had my dress pants and shirt picked out for about a month now. I may have to ask her father to remind her since I doubt she will remember. Nevermind, I will have to remind her myself. I don't trust anyone with something as important as how we look on our wedding day. I need to make sure she looks at least 45% of how hot I do, so people will think she's worthy of being married to me. Nothing worse than marrying into a bad reputation.

Busy busy busy!
Wow. I didn't talk as much about myself.... or did I?
Either way, just for good measure:

Parisistheshizz <3


  1. Oh, have fun at your wedding! But just a warning you might not know Juliet as well as you think you do.. She is a lady of many surprises.

  2. HAHAHAHA sucks for youuu!! Juliet is takin B1tchhhhhhheeezzz. Romeo snagged her before you even got the chance. Hes wayyy better for her theyre soul mates.

    guess what.
    chicken butt.
    guess where.
    in your greasy gelled up hair!
    come at me bro!

  4. Hahaha Paris, you look like the backside of a pig ! ;)

  5. Your arrogance is unremarkable. If you pulled your head back down to earth, perhaps you would see that he has no interest in you. Romeo was able to win her heart despite being a Montague, or so I’ve heard.

  6. Dude! My daughter totally digs you! that was you outside her window last night right?

  7. I don't care how good you look, as long as you marry Juliet instead of that Romeo.
