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I enjoy myself; and maybe Juliet, but mostly myself.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Q: So, Paris, do you think you influenced Juliet's death in any form?
A: Are you implying that Juliet is dead because she didn't want to marry me? Good sir, I ensure you that Juliet was head over heels in love with me! Don't be so stupid.

Q: What were you doing prior to Juliet's death?
A: Well, it was a regular morning. I spent the first several hours of my day acknowledging my extravagant beauty. On my way to the Friar's cell, many attractive women smiled at me; and I discussed Juliet and I's wedding with the Friar.
Funny how she died on the day that we were to be wed. Oh poor irony...

Q: How are you feeling about Juliet's death?
A: Ugh! When I was told I was going to be interviewed, I was assuming you were going to talk about me; not Juliet.

Q: There was a rumor spread that you and Lady Capulet had a "thing." Is this true?
A: Must people believe everything they hear? Why would I do the dirty with my fiancee's mother?

Q: Now that Juliet is dead, do you think you may marry another woman?
A: I think I'll "play the field" a bit, you know what I'm sayin'? Marriage never appealed to me much anyways to be honest. I'll find myself a 10 out of 10.

Q: Thank you Paris for your time. It was a pleasure.
A: Of course it was a pleasure. It's always a pleasure speaking to me.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

So first off I would like to state a little inside information from Juliet. Apparently she would rather die than marry me? Really Juliet? Well, if my ego wasn’t so big that would have really hurt. I heard the yelling coming from the upstairs of your house. I have a feeling that you don’t really have a choice there, bud. Haha. You’re marrying me no matter what. One day I know you’ll learn to appreciate me and you’ll want to do anything to make me happy. Even your own “mother” the nurse, agrees with me now. Well ALL know that Romeo is a dish clout compared to me. I am the last chocolate chip cookie and he’s the raisin muffin (and we all know nobody likes raisins ;)). I’m being offered to you baby, you better snatch me up.

I hate to admit to my true emotions, but I am honestly deeply raged by Tybalt’s death. That darn Romeo has it coming, I tell you! First chasing after Juliet, now hurting her deeply by killing her beloved cousin. If he ever comes back from exile, I will have his head on a plate! A crappy, wooden, sharp, cheap plate! One made by poor people!

Besides, I have no time for anger. This Thursday I will be wed to Juliet and Romeo shall never be seen again!
I could click my heels in joy, but joy is an emotion shown by losers.


See you all at the wedding ;D

Monday 11 April 2011

The days are drawing closer to the day I wed Juliet.
Okay, now that I got that boring stuff out of the way...
Today was an alright day. I bought this new foundation that really accents my face. My complexion is now even sexier and smoother than it was before. It seems to have a "glowing" side effect ;)

I'm gonna look so hot for my wedding day. I hope Juliet has gotten her dress. I've had my dress pants and shirt picked out for about a month now. I may have to ask her father to remind her since I doubt she will remember. Nevermind, I will have to remind her myself. I don't trust anyone with something as important as how we look on our wedding day. I need to make sure she looks at least 45% of how hot I do, so people will think she's worthy of being married to me. Nothing worse than marrying into a bad reputation.

Busy busy busy!
Wow. I didn't talk as much about myself.... or did I?
Either way, just for good measure:

Parisistheshizz <3

Monday 4 April 2011

That's it.

Okay, maybe I'm kidding.
My life is finally progressing to the next chapter. Juliet's father is pairing me up with his daughter; she hot so I guess I'll marry her. I am a 10 out of 10, and she's maybe a 9.5, but I guess it's hard to find someone as equally as hot as me.
Well, last week they threw this party. It wasn't really nessecary because I already know I am good enough for the Capulet's daughter, but I suppose it was for their own re-assurance to make sure I fit in well with the family. Why wouldn't I? Look at me. I couldn't see why they would want to test my suitability for their daughter.
I'm perfect.

There was a rumor of Juiliet making kissy faces with another boy at the party. But I highly doubt it's true. Juliet wants me, I can tell.
Who doesn't want me?

Paris, signing out. ;D